Customer Dialogue

rimaRetail® Services

Powering the Customer Journey

Delivering a truly personalised shopping experience

Customer Profiling

Customers can create intelligent personal shopping profiles by adding their allergens, lifestyle, health and wellness preferences and goals

Detailed customers profile allow retailers to suggest matching products

‘Up to 10% of adults and children have a food hypersensitivity’ Source: Association of Dieticians

Make it easier for customers to include their allergens and dietary goals to their profiles and easily find products that meet their needs.

We are not here just to tell you what you can eat, we do much more

Seven enrichment dimensions and more than 200 product attributes

“Digital personalisation provides a unique experience for each customer”

Source: Food Industry Association (FMI)

Product Alerts

Products are highlighted if they don’t match the customer’s profile and/or when they are the best option for their dietary goals

Providing visual alerts based on customer profile at a PDP, PLP and basket level make it easier for customers to select the right product during the shopping journey.

Traffic light warnings are based on user profile preferences (allergens and goals).

“25% of households include at least one allergy or intolerance sufferer”

Food Standards Agency, 2017

Personalised Alternatives

Suggests better product options based on the customer’s profile.

Intelligent product alternatives informed by your customer’s profiles.

Based on your customers’ allergens and goals preferences and healthier rimaRank score.

“Only 4% of EU shoppers perceive grocers as a trusted source of information about health and sustainability”

Deloitte 2021

We can help you to change this perception.

Basket Benchmark & Swap

Benchmark assesses and compares the basket’s health

Allow the customer to understand the health of their basket in a glance based on their profile preferences and provide the ability to swap products for healthier items – making it easier for customers to keep to their dietary and health goals

Swap for healthier products in one click at the end of customer journey within the basket review

Meal Planning

Plan, Shop and Cook

Make it easier for your customers to transform recipes into shoppable weekly meal plans that are aligned with their profile

Enable your customers to select recipes and simply add the ingredients to their baskets. Post weekly meal plans and selected recipes to a helpful calendar.

Are you ready to talk?

rimaRetail Factsheet

Click on the link below to download the Factsheet

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